Homework assignments will become available in the week that they are assigned.

assignment report template rubric
HW1: Research Survey [pdf] Research Survey Template [zip] [Google Doc] Research Survey Rubric [pdf]
HW2: Referee Reports [pdf] HotCRP [url] Referee Reports Rubric [pdf]
HW3: Statement of Purpose [pdf] Statement of Purpose Rubric [pdf]
HW4: Elevator Pitch [pdf] Supporting Slide Rubric [pdf]
Elevator Pitch Rubric [pdf]
HW5a: Draft Email [pdf]
HW5b: Email [pdf]
HW5c: Research Project Written Proposal [pdf] Written Proposal Template [zip] [Google Doc] Written Proposal Rubric [pdf]
HW6: Research Project Oral Proposal [pdf] Oral Proposal Rubric [pdf]